What Type of Initiatives do we Fund?

S&T Studies on Emerging Topics

One of the primary purposes of the Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS) is to disseminate timely, clear, and up-to-date scientific advice and technical information related to defence activities to NATO Allies. Every year, the OCS publishes a list of S&T themes and invites applicants to submit research proposals. If selected, applicants must produce a research report on that topic.

S&T Awareness Initiatives

In a world where NATO S&T efforts continue to make great headways in improving the security of its Allies, the STO aims for an increased awareness of its S&T prowess and an inclusive and diverse reinforcement of its community of experts. Every year, the OCS publishes a list of S&T themes and invites applicants to submit S&T Awareness Initiatives on those topics. In particular, two types of activities are envisaged:


Events and projects established to raise awareness of STO’s efforts and mission


Initiatives that widen the STO scientific knowledge base, attracting under-represented talent from the STEM ecosystem to deliver cutting-edge S&T

OCS Programme Objectives


the mission of the NATO Chief Scientist in the provision of S&T advice to NATO leadership.


talented scientists towards NATO’s S&T activities with a view to widen the NATO scientific knowledge base.


NATO’s S&T through activities that augment and leverage the capabilities and programmes of the Alliance in support of NATO’s objectives.


the integration of national subject matter experts in the STO, and its Programmes of Work.

OCS S&T Themes

All the initiatives encompassed under this programme will strive to address the OCS S&T themes, which support the STO Programme of Work. These initiatives are detailed below:

Deterrence & Defence

As set out most recently in the 2024 Washington Summit Declaration, NATO continues to enhance its deterrence and defence against all threats and challenges in all domains and in multiple strategic directions across the Euro-Atlantic area to deny any potential adversary any possible opportunities for aggression. Still, we cannot discount the possibility of an attack against the Allies’ sovereignty and territorial integrity. Initiatives supporting this S&T theme will address how emerging and disruptive technologies may help NATO’s deterrence and defence posture remain credible, flexible, tailored, and sustainable.

Diversity in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

Seeking to adapt to the ongoing fourth industrial revolution, AI and digital developments, and the biotechnology-driven future beyond, the Alliance is cognizant that this adaptation is not independent of humanity’s biological, social and physical realities. Against this background, the diversity of professionals supporting NATO’s mission is key to addressing complex problems and providing alternative perspectives and innovative solutions for the future. Initiatives supporting this S&T theme shall aim to enhance the diversity of professional backgrounds and schools of thought of the S&T community, supporting NATO’s mission and driving the development of technologies and innovations critical for enhancing a competitive edge in defence. In addition, initiatives under this S&T theme will strive to address the integration of gender perspectives into military development and operations.

Emerging and Disruptive Technologies (EDTs)

Technology and the science underlying it provide the edge that Alliance forces require to respond to defence challenges. The nature of conflict is changing, driven in no small measure by technological advances, tools, and scientific understanding.

At its core, Multi Domain Operations refers to the push for NATO to orchestrate military activities across all operating domains (Maritime, Land, Air, Space, and Cyberspace) and environments. These actions are synchronized with non-military activities and enable the Alliance to create desired outcomes at the right time and place. Initiatives supporting this S&T theme will strive to address how EDTs will impact military operations.

Resilience from an S&T perspective

In a NATO context, resilience is the individual and collective capacity to prepare for, resist, respond to, and quickly recover from shocks and disruptions and ensure the continuity of the Alliance’s activities. Initiatives supporting this S&T theme will provide insights and guidance on how S&T can support Allies’ national and collective resilience to fulfil NATO’s three core tasks and safeguard the Alliance’s nations, societies, and shared values.

S&T foresight

Anticipating the future security environment better than potential adversaries is one way the Alliance has maintained a competitive advantage. S&T foresight is a critical aspect of this preparation. It does not attempt to predict the future in detail. Instead, it seeks to provide a context for anticipating plausible technology trajectories and their impact on the Alliance,  both as potential opportunities and threats. Initiatives supporting this S&T theme will aim to provide insights into understanding how technology will develop in the future, thereby supporting NATO S&T portfolio management, innovation activities, and capability planning.


Applicants are welcome to submit applications on any other topics that they judge to be important for NATO, according to the NATO S&T Strategy.

Send us your proposal

Are you ready to contribute your expertise to the forefront of defence and security innovation? The NATO Chief Scientist Grants Programme is your opportunity to impact global security while advancing your research career significantly.